
Whittet-Higgins Company is a global leader in design and manufacture of industrial retaining devices.

Their many locknut products include:

Mechanical lock - Precision locknuts including Bearlok & Shoelok

Prevailing torque - W-H's exclusive Bearhug locknut

Precision series - Increased accuracy for spindle applications

Nuts meeting standards of SAE/AFBMA/ABMA/ANSI/ISO/MIL

Unique W-H locknuts and lockwashers

Adapter sleeves - SNW series for use with tapered bore bearings

Collars - plain and threaded - set screw, one and two piece clamp

Tools - Lixie dead blow hammers

Hardened tongued washers

Whittet-Higgins offers products in a variety of configurations and materials including hardened steel, left handed, metric, stainless, and aluminum. All Whittet-Higgins products are manufactured in the United States to exacting standards. Compared to other manufacturers of locknuts, W-H offers greater accuracy, allowing for superior holding power in extreme applications.

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