
Founded in 1880, Dodge has a history of more than 140 years. In 2007, Dodge was acquired by Baldor, which formed three pillar products of transmission, such as mounted bearing, Baldor motor and gearing. In 2010, it was formally incorporated into ABB Group.

Mounted Bearings

For more than 120 years, Dodge has been one of the leading suppliers of power transmission products and system components in the world. Today we utilize our global resources to ensure that bearing users throughout the world have access to the highest quality and best selection of mounted bearings in the industry.



Dodge has manufactured couplings for over 100 years and has earned a reputation for developing innovative products that lower customers’ total cost of ownership.
The Dodge? coupling product line can offer a solution to almost any need. Whether the need is an elastomeric or metallic design, Dodge can provide a coupling with the potential to increase torque capacity, accommodate shaft misalignment, extend life, and put an end to unexpected downtime.


Enclosed Gearing



BDI was founded in Cleveland, Ohio in 1935, is a global company experienced in developing and deploying custom distribution and supply chain solutions for our customers. From 200+ locations in 12 countries, BDI serves multiple industries.

BDI CHINA (full name is BDI (Tianjin) Bearing Co., Ltd) is the wholly owned subsidiary of BDI. We are the official authorized distributor for products of DODGE. Large stock allows us to provide you with best price and quick delivery.

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